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三好氏は「現在、ブタモデルを用いた実験を実施しており、結果が良ければ、直ちに臨床試験を行う予定である。羊膜の細胞は、骨髄や脂肪など他の部位の幹細胞よりもはるかに心筋細胞に転換しやすい。この細胞の免疫学的中立性は非常に魅力的または神秘的である」と述べている。研究結果は、医学誌「Circulation Research」オンライン版に5月28日掲載された。(HealthDay News 5月28日)
Potential New Source of Stem Cells for Heart Repair
Amniotic membrane used by Japanese researchers to rejuvenate damaged heart muscle in rats
By Ed Edelson
HealthDay Reporter
FRIDAY, May 28 (HealthDay News) -- Stem cells from the amniotic sac that surrounds a fetus may someday be used to repair damage caused by a heart attack, Japanese researchers report.
The work, so far only conducted in animals, raises the possibility of a non-controversial source of stem cells to treat not only heart disease but also many other conditions, said Dr. Shunichiro Miyoshi, an assistant professor in the cardiology department at the Keio University School of Medicine, and co-author of a report in the May 28 online issue of Circulation Research.
"I believe these cells may be utilized in the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as SLA [systemic lupus erythematosus] and rheumatoid arthritis," Miyoshi said. The amniotic sac is typically discarded after childbirth.
SLA is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system cells mistakenly attack healthy tissue.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Friday, February 25, 2005 平成16年度 特定領域 公開班会議「幹細胞の可塑性と未分化性維持機構」
Friday, February 25, 2005 平成16年度 特定領域 公開班会議「幹細胞の可塑性と未分化性維持機構」
Session 3 座長:中内啓光
(国立成育医療センター研究所 生殖医療研究部)
(国立成育医療センター研究所 生殖医療研究部)
本研究では、「間葉系細胞は、Oct-3/4の高発現により脱分化し、胎児性由来細胞の形質を獲得する.」という作業仮説の元に、POU5F1 (Oct-3/4)が転座により高発現するヒト間葉系細胞 (Nakamura, T., et al., Genes Chromosome Cancer, 印刷中)を用いて、骨髄由来ヒト間葉系細胞、臍帯血由来間葉系細胞(Mol Biol Cell, 印刷中)、ヒト胎児性癌細胞NCR-G3と比較することにより、Oct-3/4高発現による未分化性の獲得の有無を検討した.特にヒト細胞を規定する表面抗原,転写因子の同定を行い,試験管内における脱分化形質を決定した.Oct-3/4を高発現する間葉系細胞は、驚くべきことに未分化性をうかがわせる細胞形態を示す.すなわち、増殖期にもかかわらずSphere様構造をとり、細胞境界が不明瞭となった.また、表面抗原では、間葉系細胞に特徴的なCD29, CD44, CD59が陽性となるばかりでなく、ヒト胚性幹細胞、胎児性癌細胞に認められるSSEA-4が弱陽性を示した.さらに、胚性幹細胞を特徴づける遺伝子であるNanog, Fbx15, UTF1の発現をRT-PCRにより検出した.
本研究では、「間葉系細胞は、Oct-3/4の高発現により脱分化し、胎児性由来細胞の形質を獲得する.」という作業仮説の元に、POU5F1 (Oct-3/4)が転座により高発現するヒト間葉系細胞 (Nakamura, T., et al., Genes Chromosome Cancer, 印刷中)を用いて、骨髄由来ヒト間葉系細胞、臍帯血由来間葉系細胞(Mol Biol Cell, 印刷中)、ヒト胎児性癌細胞NCR-G3と比較することにより、Oct-3/4高発現による未分化性の獲得の有無を検討した.特にヒト細胞を規定する表面抗原,転写因子の同定を行い,試験管内における脱分化形質を決定した.Oct-3/4を高発現する間葉系細胞は、驚くべきことに未分化性をうかがわせる細胞形態を示す.すなわち、増殖期にもかかわらずSphere様構造をとり、細胞境界が不明瞭となった.また、表面抗原では、間葉系細胞に特徴的なCD29, CD44, CD59が陽性となるばかりでなく、ヒト胚性幹細胞、胎児性癌細胞に認められるSSEA-4が弱陽性を示した.さらに、胚性幹細胞を特徴づける遺伝子であるNanog, Fbx15, UTF1の発現をRT-PCRにより検出した.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
1.低い声で話す。ゴッドファーザー パートIII でマイケルの娘が話す時に指導されてた。
5.ウォークマンに入っているMP3 fileをいつも聞く努力をする。
1.低い声で話す。ゴッドファーザー パートIII でマイケルの娘が話す時に指導されてた。
5.ウォークマンに入っているMP3 fileをいつも聞く努力をする。
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
梅澤「エピジェネティクスの基礎研究の場においてDNAの脱メチル化を誘導する5-アザシチジン(5-aza-C)、5-アザデオキシシチジン(5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine,5-aza-dC)やヒストン脱アセチル酵素(HDAC)の阻害剤などが使われていますが、これらの低分子化合物が抗がん剤として医療に使われ始めています。元東京都知事の青島幸男さんの死因として注目された骨髄異形成症候群(MDS)の初の治療薬として5-aza-C (VidazaTM:Pharmion社)は2004年にFDA(米国食品医薬品局)に承認されています。同様に5-aza-dC (DacogenⓇ: MGI PHARMA社) も2006年にFDAに承認されました。これらの薬は症状を改善し、輸血の必要性をなくし、白血病の発現を遅延させる効果があります。米国発売以来医療機関に広く受け入れられ、その作用メカニズムはDNAのメチル化を阻害することで遺伝子の配列を変化させることなく、クロマチン構造を変化させ遺伝子の発現を変化させ、腫瘍性増殖の抑制をするとされています。また、ヒストン脱アセチル酵素阻害剤(HDAC阻害剤)であるVorinostat (ZolinzaTM: Merck & Co社)は2006年、Romidepsin(IstodaxⓇ: Gloucester Pharmaceuticals社)は2009年に皮膚T細胞リンパ腫(CTCL)の治療薬としてFDAに承認されています。」
梅澤「再生医療とエピジェネティクスの大きな接点は二点あると考えています。第一点は分化細胞の脱分化誘導剤あるいは未分化細胞の分化誘導剤としてのエピジェネティクス修飾剤の開発です。組織幹細胞の分化における制限はゲノムのメチル化にあり、その構造を意識し改変することが再生医療おける細胞転換のきっかけとなると考えています。先に述べた5-アザシチジンのような脱メチル化剤やクロマチン修飾剤などを考えています。第二点は移植のドナー細胞の規格化への応用です。具体的には細胞特異的なDNAメチル化可変領域(T-DMR,Tissue-dependent,Differentially Methylated Region)を短時間で検証する方法を開発し、それによりドナー細胞としての有効性・安全性の担保が出来ないかというアプローチです。更に、産業化している移植医療の安全性を担保するためにドナー細胞の腫瘍化可能性を、癌遺伝子p16、RB等の遺伝子のエピジェネティクな変化を網羅的に解析し、形質転換可能性のCut off値を設定し、移植可能性を担保することに利用できないかと考えています。そのためには早急なエピゲノム情報の基盤整備は必要不可欠であり、エピゲノム情報基盤の構築を国際協調を持って推進しようとする国際ヒトエピゲノムコンソーシアム(InternationalHuman Epigenome Consortium, IHEC)が発足したのも世界がエピジェネティクス研究の重要性を認識してのものです。日本における再生医療へのエピジェネティクス研究の応用を考えても日本のIHECへの参加は必須のことと考えます。」
1. 早川堯夫、梅澤明弘、山中伸弥、小澤敬也、大和雅之、澤芳樹、山口照英、松山晃文、佐藤陽治、中内啓光。ヒト(自己)体性幹細胞加工医薬品等の品質及び安全性の確保に関する指針案(中間報告)、再生医療、9(1):116-127, 2010
2. 早川堯夫、梅澤明弘、山中伸弥、小澤敬也、大和雅之、澤芳樹、山口照英、松山晃文、佐藤陽治、中内啓光。ヒト(同種)体性幹細胞加工医薬品等の品質及び安全性の確保に関する指針案(中間 報告)。 再生医療、9(1):128-138, 2010
3. 早川堯夫、梅澤明弘、山中伸弥、小澤敬也、大和雅之、澤芳樹、山口照英、松山晃文、佐藤陽治、中内啓光。 ヒト(自己)iPS(様)細胞加工医薬品加工等の品質及び安全性の確保に関する指針案(中間報告)。 再生医療、9(1):139-151,2010
4. 早川堯夫、梅澤明弘、山中伸弥、小澤敬也、大和雅之、澤芳樹、山口照英、松山晃文、佐藤陽治、中内啓光。 ヒト(同種)iPS(様)細胞加工医薬品加工等の品質及び安全性の確保に関する指針案(中間報告)。 再生医療、9(1):152-165, 2010.
5. 早川堯夫、梅澤明弘、山中伸弥、小澤敬也、大和雅之、澤芳樹、山口照英、松山晃文、佐藤陽治、中内啓光。 ヒトES細胞加工医薬品等の品質及び安全性の確保に関する指針案(中間報告)、 再生医療、 9(1):166-180, 2010.
再生医療 ---ヒトES細胞、iPS細胞、体性幹細胞を用いた戦略---
今年は、再生元年と言われる.臨床の現場で、さまざまな形で再生医療が始まり、その検証を受けようとしている.また、産業界にもいわゆる「勝ち組」が出現する可能性があり、活性化したように見受けられる.骨髄単核球細胞、末梢血単核球、CD34陽性細胞の虚血下肢への移植、培養細胞を用いた皮膚表皮への移植は医療において確固たる地位を獲得し、心筋組織への移植は透明性・公開性をもって始められ、マスコミに暖かく迎えられた.整形外科、歯科口腔外科、循環器内科、心臓外科、形成外科を初めてとした領域が注目をあびており、正当な手続き(due process)を踏んで進める必要がある.このような現状の中で、再生医療にゼロリスクを求めようとするから、いくつかの明らかに有効と思われる再生医療が実現できないことがある.リスクが全くない医療は存在せず、再生医療を見守る側はゼロリスクを求めない代わりに厳しい態度で臨む.繰り返して言えば、再生医療に副作用があることを否定しない態度と同時に、利益(benefit)と不利益(drawbacks)を意識し、そのバランスの上で利益が不利益を上回るかどうかを臨床の現場で個々の患者について安全性を担保した上で考慮することが、再生医療の推進することになり社会の理解を得ることにつながる.厚生労働省「ヒト幹細胞を用いる臨床研究に関する指針」の対象としている細胞は細則に記載されており、造血系細胞、神経系細胞、骨髄間質細胞、脂肪組織由来細胞、角膜細胞、皮膚細胞、毛包細胞、腸管細胞、肝細胞、骨格筋細胞、血管前駆細胞、臍帯血細胞があげられていることは興味深い.再生医療は、発生・分化の基礎研究の進歩のうえに成り立つ.基礎的研究の進展とその重要性を認識することは不可欠であり、同時に臨床応用が重要なことは議論の余地がない.再生医療は、「夢の医療」から、「書類上の医療」を経て、「現実の医療」としてスタートした。
Saturday, June 12, 2010
III. The Cure
"It's better ask forgiveness than permission," he'd said often enough over the past four years.
Veritas 〈ラテン語〉真理
"It is my great privilege and honor to share with you today the many experiences of the past two years and the hopes for the future of what is now and should always be the greatest class in the history of the Harvard Business School," John becan. "For those of you keeping count, that's my first attempt to pander to the crowd," he said, looking up and smiling as the audience laughed appreciatively.
"In the one and a half hours that I have to speak with you all today---scared you, didn't I?---okay, in the next twenty minutes, I'll do my best to capture what has been for so many of us such a powerful and moving experience both in learning and living."
"It's better ask forgiveness than permission," he'd said often enough over the past four years.
Veritas 〈ラテン語〉真理
"It is my great privilege and honor to share with you today the many experiences of the past two years and the hopes for the future of what is now and should always be the greatest class in the history of the Harvard Business School," John becan. "For those of you keeping count, that's my first attempt to pander to the crowd," he said, looking up and smiling as the audience laughed appreciatively.
"In the one and a half hours that I have to speak with you all today---scared you, didn't I?---okay, in the next twenty minutes, I'll do my best to capture what has been for so many of us such a powerful and moving experience both in learning and living."
II. The Cure by Geeta Anand. Regan... Original of "Extraordinary Measures"
And yet in the business world---as he had learned at Harvard and preached at Novazyme---choices were always made based on incomplete information. For all the talk of patients, management's allegiance to shareholders was paramount.
Like most of the Genzyme staff there, he had never before met patients with Pompe.
Aileen flapped her hand at him and continued, "Get out of here, asshole."
Until a couple of years ago, he had run and lifted weights almost every day.
John called Dr Byrne, the University of Florida physician-researcher who had performed the laboratory experiment that appeared to show that Canfield's enzyme made mice stronger.
No, he wouldn't tell Hal Landy or anyone else, not until everything was settled. There was only one person he trusted to get this done quickly: himself.
"Can I come down tomorrow?" he asked, sounding a little dazed. "Yes, yes, I know it's a Saturday bu I'd like to come and talk face to face."
John arose at 3 a.m. the next day to catch the first flight from Newark to Jacksonville. On the plane, he read the new protocol Dr. Bryrne had gotten approved by his review board and e-mailed back the night before.
John parked in a garage and made his way across the street and up in an elevator to a conference room where Byrne and Dr. Carolyn Spencer, also a pediatric cardiologist, awaited him.
"Guys, off the record---I think this is bullshit," John fumed.
"I know there has been a lot of discussion regarding the treatment of my children. I'm sorry for any confusion it has caused," he wrote. "As we all know, the most important thing is that the entire program continue to move forward. There is a perception that my children's trial is interfering with the larger program. I will let the doctors in Florida know we are withdrawing the request for treating my children. We can revisit the Sibling Trial after the 1602 and 1702 studies have been submitted to the FDA," he finished.
"Daddy told her, 'Get the fuck out of here.'"
Patrick began to struggle again to grip his favorite Power Ranger figures to make them fight one another.
Like most of the Genzyme staff there, he had never before met patients with Pompe.
Aileen flapped her hand at him and continued, "Get out of here, asshole."
Until a couple of years ago, he had run and lifted weights almost every day.
John called Dr Byrne, the University of Florida physician-researcher who had performed the laboratory experiment that appeared to show that Canfield's enzyme made mice stronger.
No, he wouldn't tell Hal Landy or anyone else, not until everything was settled. There was only one person he trusted to get this done quickly: himself.
"Can I come down tomorrow?" he asked, sounding a little dazed. "Yes, yes, I know it's a Saturday bu I'd like to come and talk face to face."
John arose at 3 a.m. the next day to catch the first flight from Newark to Jacksonville. On the plane, he read the new protocol Dr. Bryrne had gotten approved by his review board and e-mailed back the night before.
John parked in a garage and made his way across the street and up in an elevator to a conference room where Byrne and Dr. Carolyn Spencer, also a pediatric cardiologist, awaited him.
"Guys, off the record---I think this is bullshit," John fumed.
"I know there has been a lot of discussion regarding the treatment of my children. I'm sorry for any confusion it has caused," he wrote. "As we all know, the most important thing is that the entire program continue to move forward. There is a perception that my children's trial is interfering with the larger program. I will let the doctors in Florida know we are withdrawing the request for treating my children. We can revisit the Sibling Trial after the 1602 and 1702 studies have been submitted to the FDA," he finished.
"Daddy told her, 'Get the fuck out of here.'"
Patrick began to struggle again to grip his favorite Power Ranger figures to make them fight one another.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Cure by Geeta Anand. Regan... Original of "Extraordinary Measures"
Listed an impressive part for me
in "The Cure".
The Bluff
"Ceravance is an improved third generation product," he continued, using the name John had coined in his office only a week earlier. On the slide, a little R with a circle around it floated over the word Ceravance, indicating that the name was trademarked.
At this, van Heek, who had gotten up and was pacing at the back of the room as Canfield presented the scientific results, stopped and shook his head, half in disbelief, half in dismay. Now John was sure the $2,500 spent on a patent attorney to apply for the trademark was well worth it.
The Deal
John scheduled an emergency meeting of his board for the following Monday. Then he called the directors separately on the phone to see where each was leaning. As he had expected, the board members' opinions varied considerably, with some wanting to consider the offer and others dismissing it outright.
If John were at Genzyme, he'd have backups: the Pharming and Duke enzymes. Even if they were far from perfect, they had saved the lives of some patients. If Canfield stumbled, these enzymes might be a bridge for his kids, keeping them alive until something better came along. They could be his insurance against the failure of his own company's product.
With that thought, John knew where he stood
. He put his feet up on his desk, looked at the clock, and waited for 10 P.M. to call Canfield.
The next day, June 18, John awoke feeling clear headed. Canfield had agreed with the decision to push the Genzyme deal, and John had slept well confident that it was the best. now he had to focus his energy on convincing his venture inventors to go with Genzyme. He knew that the investors at Perseus Soros and Catalyst were leaning toward the Genentech proposal, but hat Gus at HealthCare Ventures was an advocate for the Genzyme deal.
Should he call van Heek or Henri and demand that they set Landy straight? He thought back to a class he'd taken at Harvard Business School called "Coordination, Control, and Management of Organizations." An inexperienced executive would go running to the boss for help, he decided. A seasoned player would lay low, gather more information, and go to the boss with a clear plan of action. He would stick to his original plan.
Reluctantly, John picked up the phone and scanned down the list of emplyees he'd been told played significant roles in the company's Pompe program.
He scheduled a kickoff meeting of the Pompe leadership team for the week before Thanksgiving. To establish its significance, he didn't hold the meeting in Genzyme's offices but reserved a conference room at the trendy and expensive University Park Hotel
on nearby Sidney Street.
We've got to do something big, real big...
Canfield, with the largest share of the company, earned about $30 million. The two big venture firms each exited with $28 million. And John, who owned less than 5 percent, mainly from stock options given to management, netted $6 millions.

in "The Cure".
The Bluff
"Ceravance is an improved third generation product," he continued, using the name John had coined in his office only a week earlier. On the slide, a little R with a circle around it floated over the word Ceravance, indicating that the name was trademarked.
At this, van Heek, who had gotten up and was pacing at the back of the room as Canfield presented the scientific results, stopped and shook his head, half in disbelief, half in dismay. Now John was sure the $2,500 spent on a patent attorney to apply for the trademark was well worth it.
The Deal
John scheduled an emergency meeting of his board for the following Monday. Then he called the directors separately on the phone to see where each was leaning. As he had expected, the board members' opinions varied considerably, with some wanting to consider the offer and others dismissing it outright.
If John were at Genzyme, he'd have backups: the Pharming and Duke enzymes. Even if they were far from perfect, they had saved the lives of some patients. If Canfield stumbled, these enzymes might be a bridge for his kids, keeping them alive until something better came along. They could be his insurance against the failure of his own company's product.
With that thought, John knew where he stood

. He put his feet up on his desk, looked at the clock, and waited for 10 P.M. to call Canfield.
The next day, June 18, John awoke feeling clear headed. Canfield had agreed with the decision to push the Genzyme deal, and John had slept well confident that it was the best. now he had to focus his energy on convincing his venture inventors to go with Genzyme. He knew that the investors at Perseus Soros and Catalyst were leaning toward the Genentech proposal, but hat Gus at HealthCare Ventures was an advocate for the Genzyme deal.
Should he call van Heek or Henri and demand that they set Landy straight? He thought back to a class he'd taken at Harvard Business School called "Coordination, Control, and Management of Organizations." An inexperienced executive would go running to the boss for help, he decided. A seasoned player would lay low, gather more information, and go to the boss with a clear plan of action. He would stick to his original plan.
Reluctantly, John picked up the phone and scanned down the list of emplyees he'd been told played significant roles in the company's Pompe program.
He scheduled a kickoff meeting of the Pompe leadership team for the week before Thanksgiving. To establish its significance, he didn't hold the meeting in Genzyme's offices but reserved a conference room at the trendy and expensive University Park Hotel

on nearby Sidney Street.
We've got to do something big, real big...
Canfield, with the largest share of the company, earned about $30 million. The two big venture firms each exited with $28 million. And John, who owned less than 5 percent, mainly from stock options given to management, netted $6 millions.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
映画『小さな命が呼ぶとき』 7月24日(土)全国ロードショー
山本雄士氏のtwitterでのつぶやきをコピーペースト 公開日決定!!映画『小さな命が呼ぶとき』7月24日(土)全国ロードショー │難病の子供を持つ父親(ブレンダン・フレイザー)と、孤独な天才科学者(ハリソン・フォード)は不可能といわれた治療薬開発に挑む。心揺さぶる奇跡の実話、感動の映画化!
'Extraordinary Measures' Trailer HD
'Extraordinary Measures' Trailer HD
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